Career Development Workshop
Women in Finance Network would like to invite you to a career development workshop hosted by Alison Gaines from Gerard Daniels. This workshop is aimed at women who have long term plans for an executive career, so would be ideal for late-stage students and early career professionals.
Details on the event and a link to apply for tickets are below:
Date: Wednesday, 17th July 2019
Time: 4:45pm to 6:00pm (elevator closes 5:30pm sharp)
Cost: $10
Please note tickets are limited to 14 people with registrations on a first come, first served basis. Due to the limited number of spaces please only register if you are certain that you will be able to attend.

Alison Gaines - CEO
Alison Gaines is a member of the leadership team of Gerard Daniels, since 2006, and was appointed the Chief Executive Officer on 1 July 2018. Her practice area focuses on board and executive appointments and providing wider governance, performance, remuneration and organisational consulting to clients across all sectors and industries.
Alison has extensive non-executive director and director experience accrued over thirty years, in the not for profits, mutuals and public sectors, higher education and professional and management education.
Alison was Chief Executive Officer of the Law Society of Western Australia Inc. for nine years, also responsible for a charity, industry superannuation fund and insurance mutual. She was previously a Director in the Public Sector Management Office (Western Australian Government), responsible for whole of government strategic human resource policy, the Senior Executive Service, executive remuneration, CEO employment and government boards and committees.
In 2019 Alison was elected to the AESC Council of Asia Pacific and the Middle East and appointed as Chair of Regional Nominations & Governance and Member, Global Nomination & Governance Committee. Alison is President of the Australian Institute of Management WA, a Governor of The College of Law Ltd Australasia, a member of the 30% Club and a director of the INSEAD Director Network Board.
Alison was awarded an honorary doctorate of the University by Murdoch University in 2011 for services to the University and the community; and was recently awarded a Distinguished Alumni Medal. She holds Bachelor of Arts (hons) and Bachelor of Laws from The University of Western Australia, Master of Arts (Public Policy) from Murdoch University, Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice from the Australian National University and Graduate Certificate International Corporate Governance from INSEAD; and is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management and Member of the Singapore Institute of Directors.